Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kevin Kenny: Boston and PA Strong

With all the bad blood between the Penguins and Bruins, the recovery from concussions, the potential paybacks and the pending suspension of Shawn Thornton, perhaps we can call a truce. If only for a day.

You see, Kevin Kenny, a Pennsylvania junior hockey player, suffered a spinal injury on November 16. As Boston's rally cry resounds in New England, Kevin's friends and family have remained steadfast in their support: Kenny Strong.

I believe Kevin needs us to surrender our ill will and petty resentments. As we strive to figure out the best way to minimize injuries to NHL players, let's hold Kevin in our thoughts and prayers.

If the spirit moves you, please consider sending Kevin a card or donating money to defray the costs of two surgeries and other medical costs.

Kenny Strong.

Peace, pucks, and happy holy-days.

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