Thursday, May 1st, 2008
The AMHL Photographer and I share a small SUV. It’s the least we can do to make our planet greener. She drives us to Concord Valley Sports while I contemplate—between conversations—my first round play-off game against the Bruins.
Avalanche teammates, greenhorns Scott Kessler (2g, 1a) and Tom Hargrave (3g, 1a) (Hey rooks, update your profile pages) lead us to the Koffey Cup Finals. A 9–3 victory over the Bruins pits us against next week’s opponent, the Capitals. The Caps have defeated Chris Howell’s Panthers, 5–1.
Howell is my chauffeur this week, but he’s over the loss. Still in the parking lot, Howell tells me it’s Kermit the Frog month.
He reminds me of the calendar my wife designed, produced, and then gave to a select few kindred spirits like me and the AMHL’s original director or donut procurement. May’s picture, which I’ll see again when I get to work, is of a svelte felt bendable amphibian: Kermit is chumming up to a Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry, his right elbow resting upon the glazed prize (Mike Schneider’s favorite).
Howell says he is afraid to ask why I own a Kermit doll.
Kermie and I are tight, so I sing in a voice that my family has told me sounds exactly like my favorite Muppet. “Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, can’t you see? “Can’t you see the way you hypnotize me?”
Chris is alarmed but still laughs as he exits the parking lot. National Public Radio’s broadcast—Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are ready to drop the gloves—prompts a change of topic.
Howell and I talk politics. Gas prices and energy conservation efforts: Is going green as simple as supply and demand? We engage in a lively discussion and by drive’s end, we’re ready to tackle, together, our nation’s problems.
“Do you want president or vice president?” I ask him as I exit his pick-up truck.
Chris doesn’t want to work, so he’d take the vice-presidency.
Uh-oh! If there’s a crisis on a Thursday morning, say between 6:00 and 8:30 a.m., I’ll be too busy with hockey. Kermit the Frog may as well be your president.
The AMHL Photographer and I share a small SUV. It’s the least we can do to make our planet greener. She drives us to Concord Valley Sports while I contemplate—between conversations—my first round play-off game against the Bruins.
Avalanche teammates, greenhorns Scott Kessler (2g, 1a) and Tom Hargrave (3g, 1a) (Hey rooks, update your profile pages) lead us to the Koffey Cup Finals. A 9–3 victory over the Bruins pits us against next week’s opponent, the Capitals. The Caps have defeated Chris Howell’s Panthers, 5–1.
Howell is my chauffeur this week, but he’s over the loss. Still in the parking lot, Howell tells me it’s Kermit the Frog month.
He reminds me of the calendar my wife designed, produced, and then gave to a select few kindred spirits like me and the AMHL’s original director or donut procurement. May’s picture, which I’ll see again when I get to work, is of a svelte felt bendable amphibian: Kermit is chumming up to a Dunkin’ Donuts Blueberry, his right elbow resting upon the glazed prize (Mike Schneider’s favorite).
Howell says he is afraid to ask why I own a Kermit doll.
Kermie and I are tight, so I sing in a voice that my family has told me sounds exactly like my favorite Muppet. “Piggy, Piggy, Piggy, can’t you see? “Can’t you see the way you hypnotize me?”
Chris is alarmed but still laughs as he exits the parking lot. National Public Radio’s broadcast—Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are ready to drop the gloves—prompts a change of topic.
Howell and I talk politics. Gas prices and energy conservation efforts: Is going green as simple as supply and demand? We engage in a lively discussion and by drive’s end, we’re ready to tackle, together, our nation’s problems.
“Do you want president or vice president?” I ask him as I exit his pick-up truck.
Chris doesn’t want to work, so he’d take the vice-presidency.
Uh-oh! If there’s a crisis on a Thursday morning, say between 6:00 and 8:30 a.m., I’ll be too busy with hockey. Kermit the Frog may as well be your president.
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